Costa Rica Directory

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Directory last update: 2011-02-09 12:51:14
Constructora Meltzer S.A.

Constructora Meltzer S.A. was founded on October 1st 1957 as it was Publicly registered. (book 41, page 583, section 16223). Since then its core business has been the construction of various types of building structures including offices, industrial facilities, banks, hotels and embassies. On April 1975 the board of directors was rearranged, Mr. Abraham Meltzer was appointed as President and Mr. Henry Meltzer as Vice-President.

Listing Information
Address: Zona industrial de Pavas, de Amanco 400 metros Sur. San Jos�, Costa Rica.
San Jos� 3075-1000 San Jos�, Costa Rica.
Costa Rica
Telephone: 506) 232-0088 / 232-3176
Fax: (506) 220-1741
Average Visitor Rating: 0.00 (Out of 5)
Number of ratings: 0
Hits: 1362

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