Costa Rica Directory

There are 2239 listing and 155 categories in our website
Directory last update: 2011-02-09 12:51:14
LCA Producciones

Filmmaking in Costa Rica: Production & Production Services (since 1992) for Movies, TV Commercials, Short Films and Documentaries in film (35mm-16mm), video (HD - Digital Betacam) & 2D � 3D animation; also Directors, Still Photography, equipment rental, location scouting and talent,Producci�n y servicios de producci�n para pel�culas, comerciales de TV y documentales en cine (35mm-16mm), video (HD - Betacam Digital) y animados (2D - 3D); tambi�n Directores, Fotograf�a fija, alquiler de equipo, locaciones y talento.

Listing Information
Address: Paseo C�lon, calles 38 y 40 Avenida Segunda, Oficentro Casa Canad� Anexo 1.
San Jos� 461-1250, Escaz�, Costa Rica
Costa Rica
Telephone: (506) 256-4303 / (506)820-1918
Fax: (506) 256-4306
Average Visitor Rating: 0.00 (Out of 5)
Number of ratings: 0
Hits: 1131

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Seminario ESEPA

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