Golf becomes a key point in tourist industry PDF Print E-mail
This sport generates $ 86, 7 million per year in accommodation, food, recreational activities and purchase of sport items. An annually average of 34000 tourists come to the country to practice golf, that is, 2% of total tourists and at least six real estate projects, including golf courses, are about to be built.

Golfing in Costa RicaFrom being considered as an exclusive sport, unattainable for the majority of people, golf in Costa Rica has become the key of a national strategy that seeks to boost this tourist attraction. This strategy seems to be working, given that golf has become a source of currency and employment, especially in hotels, up to the point that every year 34000 tourists visit the country to play golf.

This tourism tendency has generated approximately $ 86, 7 million annually in food, accommodation, stay, recreation and purchase of sport items, according to estimates of the Costa Rican Tourist Board (ICT). Joseph Kuo, corporative vice-president of New York Life Insurance Company, is one of the golfers that fell in love with Costa Rica as a golf destination.
I�ve played in different places all around the world but nothing can be compared to the experience I had in Costa Rica, with a caring personnel, an exquisite scenario and incomparable prices, stated Kuo.
The appreciation of Mr. Kuo agrees with the market formula promoted by the country as a sophisticated destination. Because of this, some investors have decided to create golf courses within their real estate projects due to the added value and capital gain that they provide.

In the case of Reserva Conchal, what are offered behind golf are real estate properties. With the incomes from this activity, the Reserva improves golf installation to increase the added value of condos and possibly build an additional golf course.

Golfing in Costa RicaApart from Reserva Conchal, the country has 13 more golf courses, including executive, 9 and 18 holes, the majority located in Guanacaste. The potential of golf business and the reputation of Costa Rica as an exotic destination have contributed, during the last years, to the development of new golf courses designed by worldwide famous designers, such as Robert Trent Jones II, Greg Norman, Arnold Palmer and Mike Young.

But the boom of Costa Rica as a golf destination goes beyond this. Shortly the number of projects will be increased, given that at least six new developments are on the right track: a second course in the Pen�nsula de Papagayo, the Azulera Resort in Brasilito Bay, La Rocca CC in Esparza, Del Pac�fico in Esterillos and Rancho Manzanillo in Manzanillo Beach.

The potential of this activity has also boosted the opening of golf courses in unsual areas, such as Curridabat, in the East of the Capital. There is located the Monter�n 9 holes golf course that is part of a residential project. However, mass design of courses worries investors, since golf seeks to be an exclusive activity.
We can�t handle a mass golf destination, given that installing a course close to another is very expensive. On the other side, mass golf is no good for the country, because it would loose its exclusiveness, stated Carlos Rojas, director of Reserva Conchal.
Most immediate competition abroad is located north. Dominican Republic, Mexico and Hawaii are some of the destinations that Costa Rica has to fight with to show an exclusive status and lifestyle for golf lovers. These characteristics make the country a more interesting place for golfers compared to Miami.

A golfer spends approximately $ 150 in an 18 holes round in Costa Rica; in some courses in Miami he could get the same for $ 45. The difference in price has not affected the interest of golfers traveling to Costa Rica.
The price is higher compared to other destinations because here there are few courses and the quality is considerably higher too, argued Cristian Morera, from Valle del Sol.
The majority of golfers come from the US. They travel by themselves or with company incentives.
The golfer is not necessarily retired. Lately, we have received young businessmen, from 35 on, very active and with a high purchasing power, stated Rojas, from Conchal.
Similarly, during the last months, Costa Rica has experienced the arrival of tourists from Europe and Mexico. These are the destinations towards which golf courses have re-oriented their marketing strategies to counteract the effects that the recession in US has on the arrival of US tourists.

The growth expectations are estimated to be 15% annually. The importance of golf as a tourist attraction has not only an economic impact, but also a social one. Behind this sport there is a complex economic machine that involves a wide range of people: from the maintenance personnel for courses, to companies selling fertilizers and tools, up to the hotel cook.

For a golf course to operate in perfect conditions, at least 50 people are needed.

An exclusive sport

Golf does not only require good health condition, temper and concentration, but also money.

Golfer�s necessities
To start playing it
Golf Clubs
$800 (iron set)
Golf Bag
Between $150 and $260
Between $60 and $75
Golf shoes
Between $90 and $325
From $60 up to $70
Between $13 and $25

Excessive consumption?

Golf course installation is concentrated in Guanacaste, a province that has water availability problems. The maintenance of a golf course means more than 1 million liters of water per day for irrigation. Considering this fact, different possibilities are being taken into account to save water.

Drip irrigation

This system uses waters treated through drip irrigation instead of spray irrigation. The latter produces an aerosol in the environment with microbes in water drops, which could affect golfer�s health conditions.

Sea water

Through reverse osmosis water, minerals are eliminated and sea water can be used for irrigation purposes. Currently, there is legislation on desalination of water for tourist centers.

Visitor�s profile

The main characteristics of tourists that come to play golf to Costa Rica are:
  • Middle age man, between 46 and 60 years of age.
  • University degree.
  • His stay is longer than one week, with an average of nine days.
  • Average expenses are $2550 ($200 for accommodation for nine days, $450 for three golf rounds and $ 300 dollars for sport items).
  • The majority of tourists get in touch directly with the Golf Club.
  • The stay at hotels or apartments.
  • They travel mainly with friends or partner.
  • They get to know the courses because they were recommended by friends and/or family.
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