Traditional Tribal Arts
Native Americans of Costa Rica have been, since time immemorial, producing beautiful objects for daily or ceremonial life. As is typical of Native American aesthetics, these objects are often crafted with intentional elegance, or possess decorative elements that are pleasing to the eye. When you see our selection of indigenous art, it is important to remember that much of it comes from remote areas. The painstaking and often difficult job of seeking out the art presented in Namu has become a labor of love.
Contemporary Indigenous Art
Indigenous Art Contemporary native artistic expression infused with the spirit of their ancestors art and inspired by the knowledge of centuries old traditions. This knowledge, plus their own creative expression, give rise to a synthesis that shows the dynamic nature of a living culture's art.
Pre-Colombian Reproductions
In Costa Rica there exists an arts tradition where impressive reproductions of the country's pre-Columbian art are created. It is interesting to note that some of these accomplished artists in the past were pre-Columbian grave raiders (huaqueros) and their knowledge of archaeological pieces is impressive. When an awareness of national patrimony changed their direction, some began to use the clays, stones and minerals that were available to artisans in ancestral times to re-create the pieces they know so intimately. Through their art, these authentic-looking reproductions recreate for us the spirit of the original piece.