Aserr� is a picturesque town located in San Jose and surrounded by impressive views and full of Costa Rican traditions.
As home to many farmers and craftsmen, Aserr� provides tourists with activities with a rich mix of contemporary, colonial, and native traditions that have given this area a special feel with the sounds of the local musical band (known as "cimarrona"), the talent of poets, and, of course, the delicious flavor of its traditional cuisine.
Speaking of food, of course the tamale is important to mention. This food combines pre Columbian and Hispanic elements and is prepared at huge factories that have been operating in Aserr� for over half a century by tens of cooks who give their special touch to each tamale.
The tamale is a very popular corn-based food in Central America. There are several variations of the original recipe resulting from the contributions from different ethnic groups. Even though Costa Rica still preserves the homemade tamale preparation known as "tamaleada", this tradition has changed over the years, and today more and more Ticos are buying their tamales from tamale factories or even supermarkets.
Tamale ingredients include: corn dough, pork, rice, chickpeas, carrots, string beans, etc. Tamales are often enjoyed with a cup of good coffee. When you visit Costa Rica, take advantage of the opportunity and have a bite of this food that has been an important dish in every Costa Rican home for many years.