La M�sica PDF Print E-mail
Whether playing on a city street corner or in la Plaza de la Culture, musicians liven up any setting. Groups of indigene musicians play instruments such as the chirim�a (oboe) and quid Congo (a single-stringed instrument with a hollow bowl that vibrates). They also provide a musical backdrop for such folk dances as la Danza del Sol (the Dance of the Sun) and la Danza de la Luna (the Dance of the Moon).

Costa Rica MusicSpanish and Caribbean descen dants have combined their talents with those of the indigenes to make beautiful music. The funky beat of folk music is played on a huge xylophone called a marimba. This instrument made of wooden bars arranged like keys on a piano originally came from Africa. When the musician strikes a bar with a mallet, a hollow bowl vibrates underneath, making a melodic sound. Guitar players often strum along with marimba music. In the province of Lim�n you will hear plenty of Caribbean rhythms. But in cities across the land, teenagers gather at discos, where they groove to rock and pop tunes from the United States and Europe.
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