Puntarenas Carnival PDF Print E-mail
With the taste of salsa, people from Puntarenas wel�comed thousands of visitors from around the country to dance the night away during the renowned Puntarenas Carnival. When speaking of this festivity, how to forget two of the most important activities, the concert in the open air at Paseo de los Turistas and the Carnival Queen beauty contest.

Puntarenas Carnival
Puntarenas Carnival
The floor sweating concert started at 10:30 a.m. and starred Chilean bands Cafres and Gondwana, and of course catchy reggaeton by Puerto Rican band Angel & Khriz. Other important parts of the festivity were the fireworks, sports competitions, and local music bands. Attendees were dumbstruck by the colorful costumes of the Carnival Parade participants, including motorcyclists, youth bands, men on stilts, models from sponsors, and groups so diverse that went from children beauty queens to senior representatives.

Puntarenas beauty

Puntarenas Carnival Queen 2006
Raquel Zamora (Center)
Raquel Zamora was crowned as Puntarenas Carnival Queen 2006, also receiving the title for Best Face, Photogenic Girl, and second place in Fantasy Costume. The beautiful 19 year old girl could not hide her happiness in the presence of spectators and media at the esplanade at Plaza de las Artesanias. This event was hosted by Nancy Dobles and actor Mauricio Astorga. Natalia Ordo�ez and Paola Rodriguez stood out during the beauty contest and were elected as first and second runner ups, respectively.

This contest also helped strengthen bonds between Costa Rica and Republic of China in Taiwan, as one of the special guests was that country's ambassador who was part of the jury made up of eight members, including journalist Rene Barboza from Sin Complejos and Johana Fernandez, Miss Costa Rica 2005.

The Best

Best Group Award: First place went to Tropical Show with 192 points; second place was Los Pachanguerios, 175 points. Finally, with 167 points, Latin Star got third place.
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