Best photographers in Costa Rica PDF Print E-mail

Luis Angel Espinoza

As a graphic designer at Travel Excellence, Luis Angel combines his passion for graphic art with freelance photography. Check out his photos at or

Juan Manuel Betancourt

Juancho is a graphic designer from Venezuela who has captured Costa Rica from a unique perspective. Go to: and

Sean Davis

Sean is a professional photographer based in Costa Rica, whose photos have appeared in numerous media outlets worldwide. His portfolio is available at

Adrian Hepworth

Adrian is an internationally awarded British freelance photographer who has lived and worked in Costa Rica since 1993. He also leads photo expeditions in Costa Rica. For more information, go to

Katiana Murillo

Katiana is the current editor at Nature Landings and a consultant in communications for national and international organizations such as the Alliance of Communication for Sustainable Development.

Juan de la Cruz Caliva

Juan is a professional photographer with more than seven years of experience, who specializes in fashion, artistic and advertising imagery. See more at

Percy Dur�n

Percy is a passionate photographer who enjoys art as a hobby in combination with his work at HP. See more of his work at desaint.

Trond Larsen

Trond is a tropical ecologist and photographer working to conserve biodiversity. Explore his nature photography and find out more about his research and how you can help protect tropical forests at

M�nica Quesada

M�nica started her carrier as a photographer four years ago, including important national awards, and also servers as a photo instructor for the Foto Verde Tours. See more of her work at and www.

Mauricio Ramirez

Mauricio is a photographer and designer who loves nature and the arts.

Thornton Cohen

Thornton is a British freelance photographer who specializes in documentary and lifestyle travel imagery. Visit and to see his work.

Andr�s Meneses

Andr�s is a 17-year-old photographer who loves his art almost as much as aviation. See more of his work at

Kevin Heslin

Kevin is a commercial photographer originally from Boston who has been living in the Quepos/ Manuel Antonio area for the past four years. You can see his intimate portraits of Central American culture on his website: www.kevinheslinphoto. com.

Ricardo Villalobos

Ricardo is an agricultural economist who loves photography.
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Columbus actually named Costa Rica (rich coast) under the assumption that the land was filled with precious metals.

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