Buffalos in Guanacaste PDF Print E-mail
According to experts the buffalos are stronger than the cocas, oxen, horses, mutes and donkeys; their force is only exceeded by the camels, and that is to say, they are excellent animals of work. Near 50 buffalos is part of the attractiveness that offers the property Refuge of Wild Life Bols�n, located in the locality that takes that name in the canton of Santa Cruz, Guanacaste Province, Costa Rica.

BuffaloThis is a large ranch in which, besides cattle, the great and strong buffalos are kept for ecotourism projects and programs of conservation of the environment in a large extension of land that includes more than 50 hectares of terrain, as well as majestic humid grounds.

According to what was explained by Gerardo Barboza, one of the managers of the project, the idea is to take advantage of the benefits of the buffalos in the process of regeneration of pastures and diverse species of plants that grow in the humid grounds of Guanacaste Costa Rica.
This is a ranch that was traditionally dedicated to the extensive cattle rising; the idea is to bring buffalos for their reproduction so that their bread can become part of the process of regeneration of the farm. Based on experiences in other humid grounds of the province, we have verified that the aquatic buffalos, as they are called, help in a faster way, in the renovation of this type of vegetative habitat.
According to the criteria of Barboza and the owner of the ranch, Luis Clachar, the buffalos resemble a biological machine, that is to say, the fact that they consume more amount of grass per day than a coca, allows the plants to obtain an accelerated evolution process.
The buffalo is a multipurpose animal that produces milk, meat and it is possible to use it for transportation, be-cause the idea is to have the visitor enter the property horseback riding or on a wheeled cart that would be dragged by the buffalos. During the tour, all type of information concerning these animals will be offered as well as pertinent data about the importance of the humid grounds emphasized Clachar.
Although the entire ecotourism project has not been launched yet, it is certain that whoever wishes to visit the property, so as to take a look at the buffalos or to mount Armando, an immense buffalo, which despite its rude appearance is very friendly and even the children can mount it. During a year, the property Refuge of Wild Life Bols�n has been dedicated to the raising of buffalos; the animals have been brought to Costa Rica mainly from Trinidad and Tobago.
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