Population: 5 women (1986 SIL). 30 to 35 nonfluent speakers. Ethnic population: 1,000 (1991).
Region: Southern coast between Playa Bonita and Golfito.
Alternate names: Borunca, Burunca, Brunca, Brunka.
Classification: Chibchan, Talamanca.
Language use: Nearly all speak only Spanish.
Comments: SOV.
Agriculturalists: maize, beans, vegetables; hunters; gatherers. Nearly extinct.
Boruca Indian Tribe
Population: 11,000 (2002).
Ethnic population: 12,172 (2000).
Region: Southern, along Lari, Telire, and Uren rivers, Canton of Talamanca, Limon
Province; Canton of Buenos Aires, Puntarenas Province.
Alternate names: Talamanca.
Dialects: Salitre-Cabagra, Amubre-Katsi, Coroma. Closest to, but unintelligible to speakers of Cabecar, Guatuso, and Teribe. At least 3 major dialects which are inherently intelligible to each other's speakers.
Classification: Chibchan, Talamanca.
Language Use: 75% of the ethnic group are speakers. Used in the home. All ages. Speakers also use Spanish.
Language Development: Literacy rate in first language: 2% to 3%. Literacy rate in second.
Language: 50% read halting Spanish. Bible portions: 1905-1994.
Bribri Indian Tribe
Population: 8,840 (2000). 7,072 monolinguals (80%).
Ethnic population: 9,308 (2000).
Region: Turrialba Region.
Alternate Names: Chirripo.
Dialects: Chirripo, Telire, Estrella, Ujarras.
Classification: Chibchan, Talamanca.
Language use: 95% of the ethnic group are speakers. Bilingual level estimates for
Spanish: 0 80%, 1'5 20%.
Cabecar Indian Tribe
Maleku Jai�ka:
Population: 750 (2000).
Ethnic population: 1,074 (2000).
Region: Nothern.
Alternate names: Guatuso.
Classification: Chibchan, Rama.
Language Use: 70% of the ethnic group are speakers. Bilingual level estimates.
Spanish: 0 0%, 1 0%, 2 4%, 3 58%, 4 37%, 5 1%.
Comments: Agriculturalists: tubers, bananas, white cacao; hunters.
Maleku Indian Tribe
Population: Extinct.
Ethnic population: 795 (2000).
Region: Some from the ethnic group live near Tuturrialba. They were originally from the Guanacaste Region near the Nicaraguan border. Some were also in El Salvador and Honduras.
Alternate names: Choluteca, Mangue, Diria, Orotina.
Dialects: Chorotega, Diria, Nagrandan, Nicoya, Orisi, Orotinya (Orotina).
Classification: Oto-Manguean, Chiapanec-Mangue.
Language use: Became extinct in Costa Rica the end of the 18th century, in Nicaragua in the 19th century.
Comments: Reported to have been quite similar to Chiapanec of Mexico.
Chorotega Indian Tribe