No. 25439-MP-TUR of August 27 of 1996, published in La Gaceta No. 173 of September 11 of 1996, amended by Executive Decree No. 29794-MPTUR of August 30 of 2001, published in La Gaceta No. 180 of September 19 of 2001 and amended by Executive Decree No. 30259-MP-TUR of February 21 of 2002, published in Alcance No.28 of La Gaceta No. 67 of April 8 of 2002.
The president of the republic and the ministers of the presidency and of tourism
In use of the faculties conferred in clauses 3) and 18) of article 140 of the
Political Constitution
- That Law 6758 of June 22 of 1982, articles 12 and 13 clause b) confer
ICT the power of establishing the conditions and terms in which
concessions to Tourist Project Gulf of Papagayo are granted.
- Given the need to regulate those aspects of greater relevance for a
better clarity in the granting of concessions and for the development of
each of the projects proposed by the grantees, has determined the
importance to regulate the mentioned Law.
- That it is timely, due to the above mentioned, to regulate some aspects
The following Bylaw to Law 6758, Law for the Development and Execution
of the Tourist Project Gulf of Papagayo.