There are 91 listings in this category.
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(CRLA) Costa Rican Language Academy    
Learn to speak Spanish in Costa Rica in the intensive spanish study abroad immersion program at Costa Rican Language Academy. A language school that offers language study instructions, Latin dance lessons and volunteer programs.
(Hits: 2964 | Votes: 7 | Visited: 636 | Added: 2007-05-31 12:55:37)
Academia Centroamericana de Espa�ol    
At ACCE, we have put together a program that will allow you to learn Spanish, not only through academic excellence, but also through experiencing the rich culture of Costa Rica and Central America. We offer dance and cooking classes as part of our weekly p ...
(Hits: 2487 | Votes: 3 | Visited: 620 | Added: 2007-07-18 17:33:34)
Academia de Centroam�rica    
La Academia de Centroam�rica es un centro de investigaci�n privado, sin fines de lucro, con sede en Costa Rica. Se fund� en 1969 y su inter�s es la promoci�n de la investigaci�n, particularmente en el �mbito de las ciencias sociales, y la aplicaci�n de los ...
(Hits: 2569 | Votes: 1 | Visited: 655 | Added: 2007-08-14 12:19:59)
Academia de Espa�ol D'Amore    
Academia de Espa�ol D'Amore is high quality educational institution created to facilitate the learning of Spanish under the whole language immersion modality of learning. It offers six specific levels of Spanish proficiency to guarantee the students an app ...
(Hits: 2205 | Votes: 5 | Visited: 588 | Added: 2008-05-20 11:48:48)
Academia INNOVIS    
Although we offer the lowest prices in Costa Rica we never compromise quality. Whether you seek Survival Spanish, General Spanish, Intensive Spanish or Spanish for the Professional, our small classes ... for students who want to learn Spanish and want a c ...
(Hits: 3003 | Votes: 2 | Visited: 667 | Added: 2007-08-10 13:13:24)
Academia Latinoamericana de Espa�ol    
Our spanish learning program seeks for a clear understanding of the Latin American culture. ALE spanish school offers a homestay program with spanish speaking families.
(Hits: 2546 | Votes: 2 | Visited: 590 | Added: 2007-05-18 10:43:24)
Academia Tica de Espa�ol    
Academia Tica is actively involved with the community of Coronado. Our philosophy of teaching believes that a student not only should strive for a Travel and Learn but a Travel and Help concept.
(Hits: 3443 | Votes: 7 | Visited: 709 | Added: 2007-05-07 10:11:33)
Adventure Costa Rica! Escuela de Espa�ol Dalfa    
A traditional and effective Spanish language school with Christian values.
(Hits: 2556 | Votes: 1 | Visited: 627 | Added: 2007-08-13 17:15:29)
AEC - Adventure Education Centers    
Costa Rica's Adventure Education Center is the country's most unique Spanish immersion language school institute, with schools in Domincial and Turrialba. Costa Rica's AEC combines intensive, small group Spanish instruction with afternoon and weekend ...
(Hits: 2987 | Votes: 6 | Visited: 615 | Added: 2007-05-18 10:12:31)
Amistad Institute    
Learn Spanish in Costa Rica! Study abroad at Amistad Institute, a Spanish language school offering immersion Spanish programs and volunteer in Costa Rica.
(Hits: 3386 | Votes: 2 | Visited: 654 | Added: 2007-06-07 11:45:49)
Arcoiris Spanish School    
Proudly serving the gay and lesbian world community, along with their friends and family. Arco Iris Spanish School is gay owned, and operated by a select and highly qualified teaching staff. We have enjoyed eight successful years of providing Spanish langu ...
(Hits: 2937 | Votes: 0 | Visited: 648 | Added: 2007-05-07 10:41:10)
Una organizaci�n global dedicada a la ense�anza efectiva de los idiomas. Una entidad que comparte su edad con la historia y un m�todo efectivo que se adapta a los tiempos.
(Hits: 2768 | Votes: 0 | Visited: 622 | Added: 2007-05-07 10:53:04)
Central American Institute for International Affairs ICAI    
Total Immersion Spanish Program to participants of all ages
(Hits: 3535 | Votes: 3 | Visited: 648 | Added: 2007-07-09 16:30:36)
Central Valley Spanish School    
We are a total immersion Spanish school in San Jose. We can offer classes with and without a homestay. We can custimize your classes to meet your needs. We can also offer live online classes with our Spanish professor here in Costa Rica.
(Hits: 1998 | Votes: 4 | Visited: 568 | Added: 2008-10-31 17:12:08)
Centro Educacional Cat�lica Activa    
La Escuela Cat�lica Activa es un empresa de iniciativa privada de la se�ora Helia Plasencia de Betancourt. Ella fund� esta instituci�n educativa, para formar ni�os con arraigados valores cristianos. De ah� el nombre con el cual se conoce esta Instituci�n.
(Hits: 4965 | Votes: 0 | Visited: 638 | Added: 2007-07-17 09:45:41)
Centro Lingu��stico Conversa    
Spanish in Costa Rica at Conversa! At Conversa we've been offering full immersion Spanish programs and custom designed Spanish programs since 1975.
Learn Spanish in Costa Rica! Study Spanish in Costa Rica, at Conversa, a Spanish ...
(Hits: 2765 | Votes: 3 | Visited: 580 | Added: 2007-05-18 10:47:29)
Centro Panamericano de Idiomas (CPI)    
Centro Panamericano de Idiomas (CPI) is the only Spanish immersion school in Costa Rica that allows students to study at three separate campuses, in three distinct regions of the country - Heredia, Monteverde, and Flamingo Beach.
(Hits: 3153 | Votes: 6 | Visited: 584 | Added: 2007-05-18 11:11:21)
Christian Immersion Spanish Academy (CISA)    
A service to each Spanish in a specific Christian non denominational environment wich offers Immersion Experiences that are adaptable for beginner to advanced levels.
(Hits: 2782 | Votes: 5 | Visited: 591 | Added: 2007-08-13 12:21:30)
Coastal Spanish Language School    
Study Spanish with Coastal Spanish Language School (Institute) in Playa Tamarindo, Costa Rica. Spanish on the beach. Learn Spanish with Coastal Spanish. Spanish courses start every Monday.
(Hits: 2174 | Votes: 1 | Visited: 571 | Added: 2007-08-13 13:24:43)
COINED - Spanish Courses in Costa Rica    
Learn Spanish in Costa Rica. Spanish courses and accommodation in Heredia.
(Hits: 2034 | Votes: 0 | Visited: 589 | Added: 2007-08-13 13:35:52)
Colegio Calasanz    
Colegio Calasanz Hispanocostarricense, evangelizar educando, educación integral e integradora de las dimensiones fundamentales de la persona: cognitiva, afectiva, social, fisica y trascendente.
(Hits: 5758 | Votes: 0 | Visited: 677 | Added: 2007-06-18 16:41:16)
Colegio Claretiano    
La Congregaci�n Claretiana establecida en Panam�, quer�a extenderse a Centroam�rica para lograr este objetivo se quiso construir un seminario.
(Hits: 7783 | Votes: 3 | Visited: 625 | Added: 2007-08-09 15:11:24)
Colegio Humboldt    
Colegio Humboldt con un programa lectivo integral ofrece kinder, primaria y secundaria, idiomas alem�n e ingl�s. Somos Una Instituci�n acad�mica de encuentro multicultural.
(Hits: 3956 | Votes: 0 | Visited: 594 | Added: 2007-05-31 12:21:18)
Colegio La Salle    
Nuestro Colegio le da la BIENVENIDA a esta su p�gina, deseando que sea de ayuda para conocer nuestra obra y le proporcione la informaci�n de su inter�s. Nuestro Colegio fundado en 1951 es dirigido por los Hermanos de la Salle de la provincia de Centro Am�r ...
(Hits: 12405 | Votes: 1 | Visited: 685 | Added: 2007-08-09 15:17:24)
Colegio Lincoln    
Lincoln is a non-profit, non-sectarian, private, co-educational day school, whose philosophy is based on the following principles: Education is a life-long process (both individual and collective) of moral, intellectual, emotional and physical growth withi ...
(Hits: 4238 | Votes: 1 | Visited: 612 | Added: 2007-05-15 15:20:42)
Colegio Metodista de Costa Rica    
Nuestra Instituci�n se ha caracterizado por adquirir un compromiso serio en la formaci�n integral de nuestros alumnos, tanto en el �rea acad�mica, espiritual, mental y f�sica, siempre buscando la excelencia.
(Hits: 4654 | Votes: 2 | Visited: 646 | Added: 2007-08-09 15:33:26)
Colegio Miravalle    
Con el prop�sito de ser una instituci�n del m�s alto nivel en educaci�n biling�e, tecnolog�a, organizaci�n y formaci�n integral, en 1994 nace la instituci�n privada Colegio Miravalle Biling�e. Los primeros pasos de este centro educativo se forjaron en una ...
(Hits: 10094 | Votes: 2 | Visited: 627 | Added: 2007-08-09 15:31:47)
Colegio Monterrey    
Bienvenido al Colegio Monterrey, San Jos�, Costa Rica - El Colegio Monterrey es un centro educativo privado Cristiano Evang�lico, reconocido por el Ministerio de Educaci�n P�blica de Costa Rica y afiliado a la Asociaci�n de Centros Educativos Privados (ACE ...
(Hits: 5089 | Votes: 3 | Visited: 686 | Added: 2007-08-09 15:45:38)
Colegio Saint Benedict    
Colegio Saint Benedict centro de formaci�n educativa en la ense�anza de preescolar, primaria, secundaria, con un �nfasis humanista que busca promover la excelencia acad�mica, valores y la salud en la juventud costarricense.
(Hits: 4370 | Votes: 0 | Visited: 619 | Added: 2007-08-10 11:38:32)
Colegio Saint Francis    
El Colegio Saint Francis se encuentra a cargo de los Frailes Menores Conventuales, quienes asumieron desde 1950 el compromiso de ofrecer una educaci�n de calidad, fundament�ndose en los principios de San Francisco de As�s.
(Hits: 10908 | Votes: 1 | Visited: 599 | Added: 2007-08-10 11:45:06)
Colegio Universitario de Alajuela    
La alternativa en tu futuro.
(Hits: 4816 | Votes: 1 | Visited: 659 | Added: 2007-08-14 12:41:32)
Colegio Universitario de Cartago    
Estamos muy satisfechos de que visite nuestro sitio Web, esperamos encuentre lo que busca; en caso contrario, ll�me al 591-3363 o visitenos en Cartago.
(Hits: 11127 | Votes: 1 | Visited: 646 | Added: 2007-08-14 12:57:13)
Colegio Universitario San Judas Tadeo    
Forma profesionales del m�s alto nivel en un ambiente acad�mico, cr�tico, cient�fico, tecnol�gico y humano que proporcione a nuestros estudiantes una formaci�n integral, orientada a su adaptaci�n al entorno laboral, a su desarrollo personal y a la constru ...
(Hits: 7132 | Votes: 1 | Visited: 648 | Added: 2007-08-14 17:40:13)
Complejo Educativo Biling�e Nueva Esperanza    
El Complejo Educativo Biling�e Nueva Esperanza, le da la m�s cordial bienvenida a los alumnos y padres de familia de nuevo ingreso, as� como a los estimables padres y alumnos regulares a nuestro sitio de internet.
(Hits: 3745 | Votes: 0 | Visited: 578 | Added: 2007-08-10 11:15:50)
A Cultural, Linguistic and Community Service Center which offers Programs to the individual interested un immersing him or herself In Costa Rican Culture.
(Hits: 2113 | Votes: 2 | Visited: 608 | Added: 2007-08-13 12:42:39)
Costa Rica European School    
Costa Rica European School was founded in 1989 by its Director, Anne Aronson, who longed to see in her adopted country of Costa Rica a school emphasizing the Liberal Arts and the Humanities, such as she had known during her formative years in France and in ...
(Hits: 3030 | Votes: 0 | Visited: 586 | Added: 2007-08-10 13:04:27)
Costa Rica Language School    
The Costa Rica Language School (CRLS) has programs for individuals, families, children, business professionals and high school and college students. In addition, we have a growing Medical Spanish program or physicians, medical students and others in health ...
(Hits: 1997 | Votes: 0 | Visited: 675 | Added: 2007-08-13 13:46:57)
Costa Rica Rainforest Outward Bound School    
Costa Rica Rainforest Outward Bound inspires and develops leadership, compassion, responsibility, respect for the environment and commitment to serve through adventure-based wilderness experiences led by the most skilled, safety-conscious staff.
(Hits: 2334 | Votes: 0 | Visited: 554 | Added: 2007-08-13 14:06:09)
Costa Rica Spanish Institute    
Spanish language school and spanish immersion course in Costa Rica. Spanish lessons in Costa Rica. Classes in the city and at a national park (beach & rain forest) with homestay option.
(Hits: 2033 | Votes: 2 | Visited: 566 | Added: 2007-05-18 11:16:57)
Costa Rican International Language Academy    
San Jos� is the urban, social, and economic center of Costa Rica. Just two to three hours from lush tropical rain forests, breathtaking beaches, and majestic volcanoes that come to mind when thinking about this Central American country, many tourists use t ...
(Hits: 2071 | Votes: 0 | Visited: 572 | Added: 2007-07-09 16:45:04)
Country Day School    
Private english language, non sectarian school, providing education in pre school, middle school, and high school grades on two campuses in Costa Rica.
(Hits: 2684 | Votes: 1 | Visited: 634 | Added: 2007-05-18 11:36:24)
CPH Language and Cross-Cultural School    
CPH is a private, independent language and cross-cultural school organized and administered by a staff of professionals with over 50 years of combined experience in designing and implementing training programs.Our school has been in the forefront of langu ...
(Hits: 2282 | Votes: 1 | Visited: 523 | Added: 2007-05-18 11:45:39)
CR Learning Spanish Institute    
CR Learning is a Spanish institute that offers Spanish courses based on a cultural immersion experience, emphasizing the benefits of a cross-cultural context. CR Learning teaches with a new learning method based on the multiple perspectives, diversified w ...
(Hits: 1652 | Votes: 1 | Visited: 452 | Added: 2009-08-21 15:46:43)
El Paraiso Spanish Language School    
El Paraiso Spanish Language School - Manuel Antonio National Park Costa Rica. Discover the Most Beautiful beaches of Costa Rica and biodiversity, while you learn and relax. El Paraiso Spanish Language School - Bocas Del Toro, Panama, close to beautiful bec ...
(Hits: 2131 | Votes: 1 | Visited: 529 | Added: 2007-05-18 11:46:36)
English2Go es una academia con tres a�os de experiencia en la capacitaci�n del idioma ingl�s en Costa Rica, en donde brindamos la ense�anza acorde sus necesidades y acomodamos el horario a su mediada, sin p�rdida de tiempo y ajustando las lecciones a su na ...
(Hits: 4165 | Votes: 0 | Visited: 572 | Added: 2007-07-17 08:25:13)
Escuela de Idiomas    
Our high level of excellence in teaching ensures a quality education for those who want to learn Spanish as a second language. Our staff is highly trained and we use only advanced methods of instruction. Our textbooks and instructional materials have been ...
(Hits: 2635 | Votes: 0 | Visited: 596 | Added: 2007-05-18 12:02:33)
Falcon International School    
Falcon International is an educational institution which considers our students as unique individuals with a right to grow in all aspects of their lives, promoting an integrated education for all of them:physical cognitive, emotional and moral. The institu ...
(Hits: 5392 | Votes: 4 | Visited: 605 | Added: 2007-07-17 12:42:47)
Finca Loma Linda    
Academia Tellus Mater is an education program designed by farmers and researchers to increase awareness of sustainable practices, move towards better environmental management , and support conservation projects. We work with local farmers and visitors in t ...
(Hits: 3205 | Votes: 1 | Visited: 0 | Added: 2007-05-31 13:02:38)
Forester Instituto Internacional    
Learn Spanish in Costa Rica! Study abroad at Forester Instituto Internacional, a Spanish language school offering immersion Spanish programs.
(Hits: 2715 | Votes: 3 | Visited: 569 | Added: 2007-05-18 12:04:33)
Geos Language Institute    
GEOS is a language school in Costa Rica where you can learn Spanish, English and Japanese languages. GEOS means Global Educational Opportunities and Services, we provide the students the opportunity to learn more about Costa Rica and the culture through ou ...
(Hits: 3122 | Votes: 0 | Visited: 602 | Added: 2007-05-07 11:00:16)
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