Accommodations in Costa Rica |
Today, Costa Rica has more than 29,500 hotel rooms throughout the country. A number of medium (50- to 100-room) and larger (200- to 400-room) hotels, both in the Central Valley and at the beaches, offer every imaginable facility for larger meetings and incentives. Costa Rica has hosted extremely successful events, with delegations of up to 3,000 people, for inter-govern mental summits, international NGO's, professional associations, clubs and private businesses.

The majority of hotels in Costa Rica, however, are small properties in a natural setting with less than 50 rooms. This style, which lends itself so well to nature-based tourism, is equally appropriate for small meetings and seminars that require privacy and an atmosphere conducive to productivity. Planning sessions for corporate boards, government strategy meetings, management workshops and intensive training sessions have all found Costa Rica's hotels to be the perfect venue. Some of these properties are also the perfect choice for small incentive groups.